
Monday, February 20, 2006

Murray and Nathan and Chad

Murray and Keith, Nathan and Chad

They went for a long walk on Friday. I think they were gone for a few hours.
They had a great time. Here is a picture that Rachel sent me. (Thanks Rachel)


Good Morning,

Just wanted to let you know. Murray has gone to the police station to press charges. Today he is going for a debriefing session at work. He has been to our family dr and the first batch of tests are clear. Our dr ordered more tests for Hep C. The first set of tests would have been done to soon after the event, so we would not have accurate results yet.
Murray is doing better, the marks are all healing up reallly well.
We should know more about the next set of tests in the next few weeks.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Murray at work

Just wanted to let everyone know, Murray was attacked at work on Monday night. The patient that attacked him, is Hep C positive and she scratched and bit him. She did draw blood. He went to use his emergency button but it failed. A coworker was not far away and stepped in right away. He was treated at work and send to Royal Columbian for tests. He will be tested for Hep C and HIV. He will be tested again in another few months. His employer is also having the patient tested to see what she may have.
Murray is ok and will be taking a few days off work. He is going to press charges on the patient. He is going to go to our family dr. to get the test results. I will keep you posted.
His co workers and Manager have been amazing to him.