Administration Day
Every year our newspaper puts on Search for Gold. It is a scavange hunt for anyone who wants to participate. Every week there are 3 new clues. The gold can be found in any public place in the city. (It is actually a yellow credit card that is worth $2,500.00.) Tracey and I have been to every park that we can possibly think of to find it. This year we are finding the clues are soooooo hard. We brought the clues out to our parents place for help!
Tracey and I like to tease each other. A few years ago, she started pulling my hair as a joke. Well this has now become a normal thing that she does to me. So as of lately, I have decided to pull her hair back. Here we are in action. Everytime we do this to each other we laugh, it is all in fun. Silly I know. What are sisters for. I am sure our family thinks we are crazy. LOL!