
Saturday, April 28, 2007

Administration Day

I recieved the most beautiful bouquet of flowers from everyone at my work for Administration week. I was so shocked and touched and speechless. I had to share!!! WOW !! Thank you so much for the beautiful flowers everyone!

As most of you are aware, I will be unemployed as of June 29th as we were not successful in getting the contract this year. A new service provider will be taking over in just a few weeks. I have been busy look for work and I have had an interview. So we will see how this turns out. I truly believe that the perfect job will come, and everything happens for a reason. I am not sure what the lesson is in this one, but I am sure it will be something to remember. I will miss our team so much, they are an amazing group of people. We are really like family. It will be very hard to say good bye to them, but we will keep in touch for sure.

Emma Update

Emma is doing really well. She is getting so big, so fast. She can say juice, mommy and I think daddy. We dropped in for a quick visit. She was so much fun. Here are a few pics

Monday, April 23, 2007

Nintendo Wii Night

Tonight David came over with his Nintendo wii. We all played a few games of bowling and then the guys decided to do some boxing. It was great. I enjoyed watching this video of Dave and Murray.

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

Willow Tree

I thought I would put a post out and see if anyone can help us. Our neighbour has approached us about our willow tree in the backyard. The previous owners of our place planted the tree close to the fence and it has grown to be a big one. The problem is that willow trees are known to have long roots and it seem that our tree's roots are now in the neighbour's yard and approaching their house. They have asked if we can cut it down. They were very nice about this and have offered to take down the tree for us and buy us a new tree to replace it. As nice of an offer, we won't let them buy us a new tree. If the roots are on their side, I can only imagine what is under our grass. Let's hope the roots are not causing havoc with our pipes, etc. So my question is... What type of tree would look nice in that area?????

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Search for Gold

Every year our newspaper puts on Search for Gold. It is a scavange hunt for anyone who wants to participate. Every week there are 3 new clues. The gold can be found in any public place in the city. (It is actually a yellow credit card that is worth $2,500.00.) Tracey and I have been to every park that we can possibly think of to find it. This year we are finding the clues are soooooo hard. We brought the clues out to our parents place for help!
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Happy Easter

Murray is home for the weekend. It is so nice to have more than 2 days together at one time.
Our Easter weekend has been busy. Saturday we had his family over for cofee and dessert. It was alot of fun. Thanks Rachel for the wonderful bread.
Sunday we went to my parents place for brunch. Not all of us kids were able to make it to Easter brunch. It was fun, but we did miss the ones that did not come. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
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Tracey and I like to tease each other. A few years ago, she started pulling my hair as a joke. Well this has now become a normal thing that she does to me. So as of lately, I have decided to pull her hair back. Here we are in action. Everytime we do this to each other we laugh, it is all in fun. Silly I know. What are sisters for. I am sure our family thinks we are crazy. LOL!
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New Car

Congratulations Mom and Dad
This weekend my parents went out and bought a new car.
It is loaded with all the bells and whistles. We are thrilled for them.
We took it for a spin today, it is sooooooooo smooth.
We can not wait to go on a road trip.

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